Monday, July 27, 2009

There are still things to be scared of.

Locked-in syndrome is a condition in which a patient is aware and awake, but cannot move or communicate due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for the eyes. It is the result of a brain stem lesion in which the ventral part of the pons is damaged. The condition has been described as "the closest thing to being buried alive". In French, the common term is "maladie de l'emmuré vivant", literally translated as walled-in alive disease; in German it is sometimes called "Eingeschlossensein".[1]

Locked-in syndrome is also known as cerebromedullospinal disconnection,[2] de-efferented state, pseudocoma,[3] and ventral pontine syndrome.

The term for this disorder was coined by Plum and Posner in 1966

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Too much CSI...

I was downtown with some friends Thursday night walking around. At some point I lost my pocket knife but don't recall when or where. I've carried this knife for 3 years, every single day, every time I leave the house. It's a Kershaw Scallion. Blade is 2.25 inches long. Good little knife. Looked for it at home, my friend looked at her house to no avail.
Then I start worrying that some methhead is going to pick it up and use it on somebody. It's highly unlikely that this would happen, and the blade is tiny, but this is how my brain works. Today I called the cops to explain this and at least maybe have it on record that I lost it on Thursday, a description of the knife, etc.. The cop was actually laughing at me. He said "can it be traced back to you?" I said, well, I'm fairly certain my prints are on it. More laughing. "Sir, I'm not going to take any of this down.. if it were a wallet, I'd report it. Thank you, goodbye!"
This should have nullified my concern, but it doesn't. I don't think I'll carry a knife anymore unless I'm in the woods.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I had a FUCKED nightmare last night. I've been having several a week for the past few months. I guess my mind has some serious shit to work out. Hope it's working because some of this stuff is more horrid than I could dream up even when I was writing gore metal lyrics.

I dreamt that my jaw worked in such a way that I began scraping the roof of my mouth with my bottom row of teeth, gouging away furrows of soft palate tissue, chewing and swallowing it.
The flesh looked and tasted like corned beef, and I kept chewing it away and eating it with no regard to my health. After awhile, the tissue was damaged to the extent that my top row of teeth was wobbly and barely held in place by the roots. By then it was too late. My teeth and mouth were ruined and there was nothing left to chew or eat either. Double loss.

Then I dreamed I had caught a spider and a hornet. I tortured them by dropping them in a cup of gasoline and would fish them out before they died, so I could keep doing it. I thought to myself "If they get away and live, they'll want revenge." Then they did get away, and I was scared, but resigned myself to whatever fate they had in mind because I realized "I deserve this."

I'm glad my subconscious thinks of this shit, because I don't want to. The bad news is, I have the capacity to remember all the fucked details anyway. It's interesting, but a bit scary to me.
I'm hoping my subconscious in it's supposed wisdom will sort this all out before it drives me insane.